These are the companies profiting from and contributing to the genocide of Palestinians.

By refusing to design for these companies we are sending a clear message, and adding to the pressure for them to cut ties with the Israeli government.

The below list of companies has been taken from the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), the largest coalition in Palestinian society that is leading the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.

Airbnb (why)

Ahava (why)

AXA (why) (why)

Expedia (why)

Hewlett Packard Inc (HP Inc) (why)

L’Oréal (why)

McDonalds (why)

Motorola (why)

Opodo (why)

Obela / Sabra (why)

PUMA (why)

Woohoo! Puma recently announced it will be ending it’s relationship with the Israeli Football Association, but until the end of 2024 they will still be funding apartheid.

RE/MAX (US) (why)

Siemens (why)

SodaStream (why)

TripAdvisor (why)

Wix (why)


Here is an example of how to decline work from brands supporting the occupation, feel free to copy and paste or create your own!

Tip: Remember to be kind but firm, the person contacting you might not be aware of the brands complicity so this is a good opportunity to educate.

Hi (insert name),

Thank you for reaching out and considering me (or enter agency name) for your project.

As a member of Designers Against Occupation (feel free to link to us), I've pledged to boycott (insert brand name) for their involvement (include our ‘why’ link here to educate the person contacting you) in the ongoing genocide and displacement of Palestinians by israel's illegal occupation.

Kind Regards,